Christine’s Mom

Feet Fetish
I used to work with a woman named Christine, who was a bit of a playful dominatrix. Even at the office, she would do things like twist my arm behind my back, and pin me to the wall. In the cafeteria, she loved to sit across the table from me and press her nylon foot into my crotch. I stood a head taller than Christine, but her thick arms and legs were incredibly strong. Once, when we were alone, she flipped me over her broad hip, threw me to the carpet, and held me down with her strong foot on my throat! She would do these things to me with a giggle or a smile, but I had no doubt whatever that she could beat me up, if it came to a fight between us. Recently, she told me that her mum has come to live with her, and her daughter. I asked Christine if she had gotten her Dominance gene from her mother, and she just laughed, pulled out her phone, and showed me these pics. “THIS…” she said, with pride, “is my mom, with one of her clients!”
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom
Christine’s Mom