Burt's Most Wanted Women

BBW Granny
I know Anna/Anne's abusive husband may no longer be around - GOOD FOR HER! But I would love to find out where she is and get other shots of her (I havent added many because of her obvious highly unpassionate former husband. As for Debbie I have reason to believe she left her husband and I have an idea of where to snail-mail write her. As for the others - if you know where to find more please comment where on their photos. If you personally know them I ask you tell them I'm looking.These are my first choices (there will be others) that I'd MARRY.
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women
Burt's Most Wanted Women